In December 2021 we took Salty Lady to Ponce Inlet and had her hauled to get painted and some other work done.

In the fall of 2021, we moved Salty Lady from Constitution Marina in Boston, MA to our new home in Titusville, Fl. The trip lasted 5 weeks and we got to see many interesting parts of the Eastern US. Below is a link to the photo album where we captured pictures along the way.
Some interesting info about the trip:
- 1,488 Nautical Miles traveled
- 2,860 gallons of diesel consumed
We’ve been busy the last few weeks getting Salty Lady ready to travel to the Florida Keys. We plan on leaving around the 22nd of February (weather permitting) and we plan on spending 3 months at Faro Blanco Marina in Marathon, FL.
I’ve decided to start a blog to allow folks to follow the adventures of Salty Lady. More to come!