Last night, we enjoyed an amazing sunset at our anchorage in Key Biscayne. After the weekend party-goers finally left, it was a calm, peaceful night.

This morning, we said goodbye to Miami’s beautiful skyline and headed down Hawk Channel to the Keys. Almost immediately the water was crystal clear. Crusing in 15 to 20 feet of water we swore it looked only 5 feet deep.

We pulled into our anchorage at Rodriguez Key, next to Key Largo, and found a nice spot. We immediately went for a swim and took advantage of the clear water to check out the underside of our boat. Everything checked out ok (just wanted to make sure we didn’t accidently catch a fish trap line or anything wrapped around the shafts).
We will spend 2 nights here before heading to Marathon, which will be our “home away from home” for the next 3 months.